Title: Netorare Oku-sama wa Shojo Kousei ~Ryakudatsukan~
Original title 寝取られ奥様は処女校生~略奪姦~
Length: Very short (< 2 hours)
Developer: elle-murakami
[A flower is beautiful because of how it looks when it blooms]
Watching a beautiful thing be defiled is what excites you…
A beauitful young girl with good morals being defiled…Watching that is what excites you!!!
[A new wife] X [A high school student] X [A virgin] = Heaven
Destroy her happy world…
Threaten, intimidate and blackmail her, anything goes!
rar password: "directfromhell.com"
Why am I couldn't play it after extracted? I ran the m_05.exe and it pop out this thing http://imageshack.us/a/img17/7088/1da1.png any idea?
Try opening it with AppLocale
Its kinda easy really…just download or search in Google the Japanese locale…after download it from the net then install in your PC or laptop…then after installing, better restart the computer….then after when you open the game next, right click on the application and select the “Run In Japanese Locale” then poof the game starts and its in English version… Enjoy Playing…..
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